
S1E2 - The Incredible Hulk (2008)

Does The Incredible Hulk suck?

Welcome to the second episode of UNMARVELOUS where Amy and Grahm explore The Incredible Hulk (2008) and try to understand the science of heart rates and radation.

Keep an eye out for the next episode, Iron Man 2 (2010), on January 10, 2020!

Follow us on Instagram @unmarvelouspodcast and Twitter @unmarvelouspod!

S1E3 - Iron Man 2 (2010)

Does Iron Man 2 suck?

In the third episode of UNMARVELOUS, Grahm and Amy discuss birds, electric jump ropes, and Iron Potts while unraveling the film Iron Man 2.

Watch for our fourth episode about Thor on January 24, 2020!

Follow us on Instagram @unmarvelouspodcast and Twitter @unmarvelouspod!

S1E4 - Thor (2011)

Does Thor suck?

Grahm and Amy discover the differences between wormholes and warm holes while describing the adventures of Thor, Natalie Portman, Norah, Xena, and Gimli.

Look for our fifth episode about Captain America on February 7th, 2020!

Follow us on Instagram @unmarvelouspodcast and Twitter @unmarvelouspod!

S1E5 - Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

Does Captain America suck?

This episode is about Captain America AKA Handsome Bod Hot Face, but Grahm talks a lot about James Bond.

Look for our sixth episode about The Avengers on February 21st, 2020!

Follow us on Instagram @unmarvelouspodcast and Twitter @unmarvelouspod!

S1E6 - The Avengers (2012)

Do the Avengers suck?

Grahm and Amy learn just how many "pew pew pews" are in the first Avengers movie, while they fawn over Mark Ruffalo.

Look for a special bonus episode on March 6, 2020.

Follow us on Instagram @unmarvelouspodcast and Twitter @unmarvelouspod!

Side Quest 1: Captain America (1979)

What was Steve Rogers like in 1979?

In this first Side Quest episode, Grahm and Amy describe the film, the film, the film... Captain America from 1979, starring their new favorite actor, Reb Brown.

Season 2 of Unmarvelous starts on March 20, 2020!

Follow us on Instagram @unmarvelouspodcast and Twitter @unmarvelouspod!

S2E1 - Iron Man 3 (2013)

Does Iron Man still suck?

Grahm and Amy are excited about the big reveal of Iron Potts.

Look for a new episode on April 3, 2020.

Follow us on Instagram @unmarvelouspodcast and Twitter @unmarvelouspod!

S2E2 - Thor: The Dark World (2013)

Does Thor still suck?

Grahm and Amy are jealous of an elf's perfect braids.

Look for a new episode on April 17, 2020.

Follow us on Instagram @unmarvelouspodcast and Twitter @unmarvelouspod!

S2E3 - Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Does Captain America still suck?

Studdmuffin McHandsomepants III and Amy discuss the second Captain America film and discover that both Moby and Kylo Ren are in it!

Look for a new episode on May 1, 2020.

Follow us on Instagram @unmarvelouspodcast and Twitter @unmarvelouspod!

S2E4 - Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Do the Guardians of the Galaxy suck?

Grahm and Amy discuss a movie that features Andy Dwyer, Green Goddess, a tree, and a raccoon. Grahm uses a mediocre Stan Lee impression most of the time.

Look for a new episode on May 15, 2020.

Follow us on Instagram @unmarvelouspodcast and Twitter @unmarvelouspod!